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Monodraw 1 3 – Powerful Ascii Art Editor Notes

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Demo | Features | Templates | Get Started | Examples | Advanced | Credits | License

Markdeep is a technology for writing plain text documents that will look good in any web browser, whether local or remote. It supports diagrams, calendars, equations, and other features as extensions of Markdown syntax.

Markdeep is free and easy to use. It doesn't require a plugin or Internet connection. Your document never leaves your machine and there's nothing to install. Just start writing in your favorite text editor. You don't have to export, compile, or otherwise process your document. Here's an example of a text editor and a browser viewing the same file simultaneously:

Text Editor View
Web Browser View
← → ↻

Markdeep is ideal for design documents, specifications, README files, code documentation, lab reports, blogs, and technical web pages. Because the source is plain text, Markdeep works well with software development toolchains.

Markdeep was created by Morgan McGuire (Casual Effects) with inspiration from John Gruber's Markdown and Donald Knuth's and Leslie Lamport's LaTeX. Epic games launcher fortnite android.

(See the demo!)

Optimage 3 3 14. Unique features:

  • Diagrams
  • Insert documents into one another
  • LaTeX equation typesetting and numbering
  • Table of contents
  • Reference images and embedded images
  • Document title and subtitle formatting
  • Schedules and calendars
  • Section numbering and references
  • Figure, listing, and table numbering and references
  • Smart quotes
  • Embedded video
  • CSS stylesheets
  • Page breaks
  • En dash, em dash, ×, minus, and degrees
  • Attributes on links
  • Unindexed sections
  • Works in any browser by adding one line to the bottom of a text document
  • Fallback to ASCII in a browser if you have neither the local file nor Internet access
  • Optionally process server-side with node.js
  • Optionally batch process to PDF with headless browser flags
  • HTML export to static content using ?export in the URL or Rasterizer
Maruku + github + Admonition + CommonMark Markdown features:
  • Tables
  • Paragraph formatting
  • Automatic e-mail address and URL linking
  • Nested, numbered and bulleted lists
  • Fenced code blocks
  • Links and reference links
  • Task lists
  • Bold, italic, code, strikethrough
  • Hyperlinks
  • Attributes on images
  • Blockquotes
  • Citations
  • Footnotes and endnotes
  • Definition lists
  • Images
  • Doesn't italicize math with * or words containing underscores
  • Unicode
  • Admonitions (callout notes)
  • HTML passthrough

Default web template with monospace/'ASCII' fallback


Dark mode API documentation style

company/whitepaper/company-whitepaper.md.html, company-whitepaper.css, company-logo-256.png, company-background.png

Corporate whitepaper template for online viewing and PDF generation. Download all four files and then replace the logos with your own. Matches the Company API template.

company/api/company-api.md.html, company-api.css, company-logo-512.png

Corporate API template for online viewing. Download all three files and then replace the logo with your own. Matches the Company whitepaper template.


For daily project journaling


A template in the style of a news magazine, with drop caps, multiple subtitles, and modern fonts.


Simple website example with a left-hand navigation menu and top banner


API documentation style (by Aras Pranckevičius)


LaTeX article formatting with fast load (no flashing). Note that you can use LaTeX math in any Markdeep document. This template is for those who like LaTeX's default style as well.


Black background with aggressive styling and fast load (no flashing)


Template for generating PDF slideshows. See also Markdeep-slides

To create a Markdeep document, just open any text editor and start writing. Paste the following at the bottom of your document as a single line. Then, save it as plain text with a filename with extension .md.html.

<!-- Markdeep: --><style>body{visibility:hidden;white-space:pre;font-family:monospace}</style><script src='markdeep.min.js' charset='utf-8'></script><script src='https://morgan3d.github.io/markdeep/latest/markdeep.min.js' charset='utf-8'></script><script>window.alreadyProcessedMarkdeep||(document.body.style.visibility='visible')</script>

If you wish to use Unicode characters in your source document, you must put the following line at the top:

You can drag your document into a web browser or double click on it to see it with formatting. You can also read the document in a browser when you don't have an Internet connection. If you want to avoid losing formatting when offline, just keep markdeep.min.js in the same folder.

View the plain source of the feature demo to learn the formatting styles that you can use. Markdeep extends Markdown, and to quote John Gruber:

The overriding design goal for Markdown's formatting syntax is to make it as readable as possible. The idea is that a Markdown-formatted document should be publishable as-is, as plain text, without looking like it's been marked up with tags or formatting instructions.

To inspect the original text source for a Markdeep document in a browser, just add ?noformat to the end of its URL.

Markdown Modes for Popular Editors

  • Visual Studio Code provides built-in Markdown support
  • Atom provides built-in Markdown support; see below for enabling it

For Markdeep + Markdown Atom support, press Ctrl+Alt+P to open the Command Palette. Type 'open your config' and then click on the result. This will edit your config.cson file. Add the following entry:

For Markdeep + Markdown Emacs installation, save markdown-mode.el in ~/emacs.d/ and add the following lines to your ~/.emacs file:

Diagram Tips

There are a lot of techniques that can make drawing diagrams in plain text easier. I just use Visual Studio or Emacs in overwrite mode, and do everything by hand. I find that much easier than installing or learning a new tool. Here are some basic editor tricks:

  • In most editors, pressing the insert key will enter overwrite mode, where you can type without inserting. If you're on a Macbook in Bootcamp, press fn + return for insert. Or, in Emacs, use M-x overwrite-mode to toggle overwriting.
  • In Visual Studio, hold down Alt while selecting to make a selection rectangle. This allows you to insert, type, and delete across multiple lines.
  • In Emacs, you can define a macro on the fly with C-x (, some key strokes, and then C-x ). Press C-x e to play back the macro, and keep repeating e to keep executing it. I use this to eliminate the manual work of repetitive actions, for example, adding a space on the left of an object and deleting one on its right to shift the object right.
Others prefer more sophisticated options: Notes
  • Overwrite-mode, Artist-mode, or Picture-mode in Emacs. These are minor modes that you can toggle on top of your major (language) mode.
  • Vim DrawIt!
  • ASCIIFlow Infinity is a free web tool for drawing ASCII diagrams.
  • Org-mode is a major mode in Emacs for.everything. Markdeep diagrams are largely compatibile with its ditaa diagram syntax.
  • Asciio is a standalone tool.
  • JavE is a standalone diagram tool, but its syntax isn't entirely compatible with Markdeep.
  • The Unix tool groff has an interpreter for the Pic language, which can be used to generate diagrams from graphs.
  • graph-easy can convert Dot and other graph languages to ASCII.
  • Monodraw is an OS X Unicode art editor that can produce Markdeep diagrams, but you should avoid using non-ISO 8859-1 (Latin 1) characters, since they won't produce lines.
  • FIGlet will convert text to ASCII art banners. Some of its fonts are Markdeep compatible.
What about the 'ASCII drawing characters,' the DOS code page 437 and 850 characters? They're not widely supported in most modern monospace fonts (and thus editors), which are keyed to Unicode. Although Unicode has the same box drawing characters, they're now at different code points and not well supported by text-only tools (alas! I grew up with text-mode graphics and miss them).

Markdeep is used extensively within the technology industry and academia. Manuals, theses, and even whole books have been written in it. Here are some public examples by myself and my colleagues:

  • Blog 1, Blog 2
The following features are experimental and may change at any time. See the release history for change information between versions.

URL Arguments

You can add the following arguments to any Markdeep document URL to alter how it is displayed. For example, http://foo.bar/index.md.html?export shows the HTML output.

Attempt to display the original source of the document. Due to web browser limitations, in some cases this will not be 100% accurate to the actual file source.
Make the displayed body HTML source code produced by Markdeep. This is useful for exporting a Markdeep document to HTML if you need to paste it into some context, such as an ePub book or Blog site, that does not allow scripts.


Markdeep looks in the window.markdeepOptions object to determine its behavior. The legal options are:

A String that can be:
  • 'markdeep' - the default: process the document as Markdeep
  • 'script' - do not modify the document
  • 'html' - process the document as HTML with embedded Markdeep nodes
  • 'doxygen' - process special tags in Doxygen documentation
An Object describing the natural language to use for keywords such as Section and Figure. (If your language is already supported by Markdeep, it is much easier to set this via a <meta> tag in the document.) Look at the value of the global variable FRENCH in the source code to see the structure of this Object.
A String specifying the layout style for the table of contents. Values are:
  • 'auto' - Adjust based on the length of the document. (Default)
  • 'none' - Do not show a table of contents
  • 'short' - Show a short table of level-1 headers on a line across the top of the document
  • 'medium' - Float a small-font full table of contents to the right of the abstract
  • 'long' - Insert a full table of contents in normal font size as the first section after the abstract
A Number specifying the distance in pixels that the body can be scrolled before the scrolled class should be added to the body element. This is useful for creating CSS styles for web page headers that present differently when the document is first shown versus scrolled down to the contents. The default is 80.
A String specifying the layout style for definition lists. Values are:
  • 'auto' - Adjust based on the longest definition in each list. (Default)
  • 'short' - Always format as a table, where definitions are in a column on the left.
  • 'long' - Always format using a hanging indent, where the definitions are under the terms.
A Boolean specifying whether the calendar views from schedule lists should remove weekend days if there are no events on them. The default is true.
A Boolean that defaults to true. If true, when LaTeX math surrounded by $.$, (.), or begin{.}.end{.} is encountered, the MathJax processor is automatically loaded from their CDN. Set to false if you don't use math notation, host MathJax locally and include it using a script tag yourself, or use an alternative math processor.
A Boolean that defaults to false. Display all labels for Figures, Listings, and Tables, as well as URLs for images with captions, the document itself, and links. This is useful when printing proofs of book chapters.
A Boolean that defaults to true. Sort schedules in order of increasing date, regardless of the order in which events appear in the source document.
A table mapping diagram, image, listing, and table to Booleans. Each defaults to false, meaning that captions appear below (after) the objects. Set values to true to move the captions above (before) the objects. Example: markdeepOptions.captionAbove.listing = true. In the Markdeep source document, captions must always appear after the object. This option only affects where they appear when the document is viewed.
Function invoked after Markdeep is done processing the document and the DOM is ready.
Boolean that defaults to false. If true, inline code referencing a `variable` or `function()` is linked to a definition list that also uses inline code formatting for that `variable` or `function(args.)`. There must be no space between a function name and the opening paren. Names must be fully qualified.
String name of a supported syntax highlighting language, such as 'Python' or 'C++'. If set, `inline code` set off in back-ticks is be syntax highlighted using that language. A specific span can be forced to a language by using the HTML syntax, e.g., <code lang=Python>.</code>. Does not affect fenced code blocks.
Boolean that defaults to true. If true, double ASCII quotation marks are converted to proper Unicode quotation marks by detecting which side of a word they are on.


You can use a markdown table generator to produce and edit the source for a table in Markdeep, since Markdeep is a superset of CommonMark markdown.

Markdeep to PDF, EPUB, and HTML

You can of course print Markdeep documents to PDF from your browser manually. Markdeep reformats with some sensitivity to page breaks and printing-specific layout when you do so. To automate the process of generating PDF files from Markdeep, I use Chrome in headless mode. For example:

# OS X:
/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome --headless --print-to-pdf=output.pdf input.md.html
# Windows:
C:Program FilesGoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe --headless --print-to-pdf=output.pdf input.md.html
# Linux:
google-chrome --headless --print-to-pdf=output.pdf input.md.html
This will print some error messages but should also create the PDF correctly. The filename can be a raw OS-level filename, a http or https protocol URL, or a file protocol URL. You may need to host the markdeep.min.js script in the same directory as your content for local files, depending on your browser and system configuration.

I previously used the wkhtmltopdf program for PDF generation this purpose, but its recent versions do not work very well on OS X.

To force sections to begin new pages when printed or in a PDF, add the following to your Markdeep document:

Andrew Glassner wrote a detailed guide to converting Markdeep to InDesign, a process which he used for producing his recent machine learning book. InDesign gives you an export path to Kindle and EPUB as well as PDF and other book formats.

Noah Doersing made a neat package for generating books (including theses) using Markdeep.

Under OS X, you can run join.py to concatenate multiple Markdeep PDF chapters for a thesis or book with the single-line command: Family feud home edition online.

'/System/Library/Automator/Combine PDF Pages.action/Contents/Resources/join.py' -o merged-file.pdf file1.pdf file2.pdf .

The ?export option produces raw HTML export in a browser, which you can then manually copy or save. For automated HTML export, see this guide that uses Firefox and another JavaScript file.

For automated HTML export, see also the node.js solution markdeep-rasterizer by Romain Guy.

Markdeep in HTML Documents

By default, Markdeep passes HTML commands through to the browser. This is for HTML in a primarily Markdeep document. If you have a document that is instead primarily HTML and you want to use Markdeep within it, then load the script with the following code at the end of the document inside of the body tag:

<script>window.markdeepOptions = {mode: 'html'};</script>
<script src='markdeep.min.js'></script>
This will process <markdeep> tags as Markdeep (which may include embedded diagrams enclosed in asterisks), <diagram> tags as Markdeep diagrams (which do not need enclosing asterisks), and leave any other content in the document unmodified as HTML.

You can also use <pre> and <pre> tags.

Markdeep with Doxygen

One-Time Configuration

Add the following to Doxyfile:

HTML_FOOTER = footer.html
EXAMPLE_PATH = markdeep-dir
ALIASES='copy{1}=htmlonly <script>document.write('<div style='display:none;visibility:hidden;'>');</script> endhtmlonly image html 1 n htmlonly <script>document.write('</div>');</script> endhtmlonly '
where markdeep-dir is the location of your optional Markdeep overview documentation files relative to the Doxyfile. footer.html is your custom footer, which must include the following lines:
<script>window.markdeepOptions = {mode: 'doxygen'};</script>
<script src='markdeep.min.js'></script><script src='https://morgan3d.github.io/markdeep/latest/markdeep.min.js'></script>
Within API documentation, you can use <pre> and <pre> tags to add Markdeep content. Regular markdown will continue to be processed by Doxygen outside of those tags as well.

Adding Documentation

To insert pages of full Markdeep documents, without any Doxygen or comment syntax, use the htmlinclude command. To make Doxygen copy images referenced from your Markdeep documents to your documentation output directory, use the copy command in any Doxygen file.

For example, to set your documentation main page to be Markdeep embedded within the Doxygen docs and copy architecture.png, make a mainpage.dox that contains:

/** mainpage
htmlinclude mainpage.md.html */

Javascript API

You can prevent Markdeep from autoformatting a document so that you can use it as a Javascript library by loading it as: Adware removal macbook pro.

<script>window.markdeepOptions = {mode: 'script'};</script>
<script src='markdeep.min.js'></script><script src='https://morgan3d.github.io/markdeep/latest/markdeep.min.js'></script>
This allows you to then manually invoke diagram processing or full Markdeep processing from within your own Javascript programs. Markdeep exports the following members on window.markdeep:

function format(src, elementMode)

Converts a String or DOM Element containing Markdeep content into a String of HTML that is returned. The result does not include the Markdeep header (stylesheet and math library script tags) or footer (signature line). The input is not modified.

Optional argument elementMode defaults to true, which surpresses page titles and a table of contents. Set elementMode = false if processing a whole document at once. Section captions are unaffected by this argument.

Monodraw 1 3 – Powerful Ascii Art Editor Notes Copy

function formatDiagram(str, alignment)

Converts a Markdeep diagram (without the surrounding asterisks) to a String containing SVG HTML that is returned.

alignment is an optional String value for the float attribute of the SVG node. It may be 'left', 'right', or undefined.

function stylesheet()

Returns the Markdeep default stylesheet used for short documents. Markdeep adds extra spacing around the title when formatting a large document.


Markdeep is open source, so you can directly download and modify the source: markdeep.js. You can send suggestions and patches to me directly at morgan@casual-effects.com.

I don't provide technical support and can't add every feature requested. However, so far I've been able to fix all reported bugs within a week or so and often add features if they are straightforward and well-specified. Bookmacster 2 9 8 download free. Fortunately, if I'm unable to add the change that you want, you can just make those changes yourself.

I created Markdeep because I was no longer willing to choose between design documents that looked good and those that worked well with programming tools. I liked what Markdown did on web servers, so I used that as a starting point and added more styling features and a way to directly view the documents client side in a browser.

Monodraw 1 3 – Powerful Ascii Art Editor Notes Free

HTML is 'markup' that extends plain text with formatting. Unfortunately, the formatting tags often make original document source hard to read and write. This is slow and annoying, especially for those of us who use programming tools for document editing or want formatting in documentation files.

John Gruber invented Markdown to address HTML's editing problems. The name 'markdown' conveys styling in the opposite direction of the 'markup' tag syntax. Markdown beautifies text without explicit tags, based on common practices from ASCII e-mail and plain-text documents.

'Markdeep' is farther 'down' from 'markdown' on the autostyling and beautification path. Markdeep combines an easy-to-use and browser-friendly packaging with new unique features such as diagrams. The code includes some of the best previous Javascript document formatting libraries and links to MathJax for equation typesetting.

Markdeep was created by Morgan McGuire. It extends the design and implementation work of:

  • John Gruber's original Markdown concept and specification
  • Ben Hollis' Maruku (aka 'Github') Markdown dialect specification
  • Michel Fortin's Extra Markdown dialect specification
  • Ivan Sagalaev's highlight.js for syntax coloring
  • Contributors to the above open source projects
Markdeep is open source. You may use, extend, and redistribute Markdeep without charge under the terms of the BSD license: Markdeep includes highlight.js, so you are also bound by its BSD license:

Follow @CasualEffects on Twitter for notification of new incremental features and releases.

Old releases are archived as

Monodraw 1 3 – Powerful Ascii Art Editor Notes Pdf

You can modify the Markdeep line at the bottom of a document to hardcode to a specific version instead of the default version of 'latest'.

You can report bugs to morgan@casual-effects.com by sending a Markdeep document and what you think is wrong about the way that it appears.

  • 2020-08-24 Version 1.11
    1. Fixed header context menu adding multiple anchor tags when already at an anchor tag.
    2. Moved the preferred source to https://morgan3d.github.io/markdeep/latest/markdeep.min.js.
    3. Added syntax highlighting for inlined code using the syntax: <code lang=language>.</code>.
    4. Added the inlineCodeLang option for syntax highlighting all inlined code.
    5. Added support for API links to syntax-highlighted keywords.
    6. Added Catalan localization by Marc Izquierdo.
    7. Checklists may now use either [x] or [X] for completed tasks.
    8. Added more PyxlScript keywords for highlighting.
    9. Upgraded to highlight.js version 10.0.
    10. Support for IE11.
  • 2020-04-09 Version 1.10
    1. Added markdeepOptions.smartQuotes for disabling proper double quote conversion.
    2. Added examples of embedding non-Markdeep content in a document using (insert . here).
    3. Support for empty documents.
  • 2020-02-23 Version 1.09
    1. Improved interaction between Unicode box drawing characters and diagram patterns.
    2. Section context menu now includes visit and copy raw URL options.
    3. Section context menu now correctly includes the URL protocol.
    4. Optimized processing of long documents that do not use insert.here features.
    5. Added support for (insert.here) in html mode.
    6. Added support for relative URLs within (insert.here).
    7. Introduced known bug that relative URLs inside code fences within inserted documents will be made absolute.
    8. Footnoted words may now appear immediately before a colon beginning a list.
    9. Code font now appears properly sized in headings and table of contents.
    10. linkAPIDefinitions no longer links APIs that appear in headers.
    11. The body tag generated by Markdeep now has the ID md to allow style files to distinguish between HTML mode and Markdeep mode output.
  • 2020-01-22 Version 1.08
    1. Improved mobile layout in portrait mode.
    2. Added corporate API and whitepaper templates.
  • 2019-11-29 Version 1.07
    1. Improved printing quality.
    2. Added support for escaped backticks ` to prevent inline code processing.
    3. Fixed floating images breaking paragraphs when placed at the middle or right (was always broken).
    4. Fixed inline images with no captions floating right (broken in 1.06).
    5. Right-click on a section header in the browser to copy link code for that section to the clipboard.
    6. Added the Newsmag template.
    7. Added 'chapter' as a synonym for 'section' for auto-linking purposes. This will likely change in the future to work with multi-file documents that store one chapter in each file.
    8. Fixed all caption types to be centered blocks by default as originally intended. Left-aligned behavior applied to some captions in previous versions can be restored with <style>.md .imagecaption,.md .tablecaption,.md .listingcaption{width:100%}</style> at the bottom of the document.
    9. Added class=pixel support for pixel-art images.
    10. Fixed multiple citations on a single line.

  • 2019-09-14 Version 1.06
    1. Added meta tag for improved mobile browser viewing.
    2. Allowed comma-separated citations inside of [].
    3. Upgraded to Mathjax 2.7.6.
    4. Added pyxlscript syntax highlighting for quadplay.
    5. Fixed .md svg.diagram .opendot to be solid white again.
    6. Restricted image captions to at most five lines to eliminate some ambiguous parsing situations.
    7. Optimized processing of documents with a large number of images and links.

  • 2019-07-07 Version 1.05
    1. linkAPIDefinitions option for creating Doxygen-link internal links when writing code documentation.
    2. Added support for multiple dimensions e.g., 2 x 4 x 6 → 2 × 4 × 6.
    3. Footnote references that are not at the start of a line may now be immediately followed with a colon.
    4. Moved table of contents to the left of the journal template for better scroll-bar placement.
    5. Added resume and API examples.
    6. Fixed multiple footnotes on the same line.
    7. Fixed HTML comments with no spaces.
    8. Added support for image grids with unfilled final rows.

  • 2019-04-29 Version 1.04
    1. Allow syntax highlighting to force a language even if the syntax appears illegal.
    2. Added syntax highlighting in code blocks for YAML and nanoscript.
    3. Added definitionStyle for controlling definition list layout.
    4. Added markdeepOptions.scrollThreshold and .md body.scrolled for CSS to detect scrolling.
    5. Added .tocTop hidden link in the table of contents for CSS to expose for websites
    6. Added website.md.html template
    7. Added slate.md.html template
    8. Added journal.md.html template
    9. Changed the default template to code blocks not wrapping, but forced the printed version to wrap so that nothing would be lost when converting to PDF or physical media.
    10. Fixed a bug in the unicode points for gray characters. Now using U+2588 Full Block as the darkest.
    11. Added Spanish localization by Marcelo Arroyo.
    12. Added four new dot styles to diagrams using unicode circles: ◌--○ ◍--●
    13. Updated Swedish localization.
    14. Added SQL and PyxScript to code highlighting.

  • 2018-12-29 Version 1.03
    1. Added highlighting support for Go, Scheme, and Kotlin.
    2. Made inline code not break within words.
    3. Added fully-qualified links to sections.
    4. Made table of contents use fully-qualified mangled names instead of numbers.
    5. export mode now preserves newlines.
    6. Added thetai, thetao, d{x} Latex macros.
    7. Improve printing scale and margins.
    8. Equations can now be referenced with the same syntax used for tables, diagrams, listings, and figures.
    9. Automatically substitute replacements for Unicode characters in <title> that don't render correctly in browser tabs.
    10. Fixed localization of month and day names.
    11. Documented <big>.
    12. Process anchor targets in the URL regardless of document load and layout delays.
    13. Fixed a lockup bug in documents with obscure unicode characters.
    14. Stripped HTML escapes from header anchor names in links for more readable intra-document targets.
    15. Fixed bug with multiple reference images in the same document.
    16. Allowed captions on reference images.

  • 2018-09-03 Version 1.02
    1. Documented how to add Atom support.
    2. Added .webm video support.
    3. Improved Swedish localization.
    4. Fixed mixed task/bullet/number lists.
    5. Permitted ATX-style headers with # in them.
    6. Fixed trailing blank line in diagrams.
    7. Added support for audio files using video link syntax.
    8. Added optional line numbers on code listings.

  • 2018-07-04 Version 1.01
    1. Fixed alignment of diagrams with no right border of *
    2. Fixed pagebreak requiring other characters on the same line
    3. Added Czech localization by Jan Toušek
    4. Added support for localized 'section' appearing before or after a section title
    5. Made reference link parsing more robust, allowing newlines within the text
    6. Added [x] github style task lists
    7. Fixed multiple (insert . here) statements in a document
    8. Made the apidoc.md.html sample not flash the raw source on load
    9. Stripped links from section titles in the table of contents
    10. Added support for reference images

  • 2018-04-28 Version 1.00: Feature Complete
    1. Fixed use of (include here) with implicit email links.
    2. Added Portuguese localization by Tiago Antão
    3. Added Italian localization by Leonardo Taglialegne
    4. Fixed references not working for localized figure variants
    5. Added support for Gravizo SVG format graphs
    6. Removed browser header/footer when printing to PDF
    7. Support for IE11
    8. Added Lithuanian localization by Warmist

  • 2017-12-31 Version 0.23: Code
    1. Tweaked the apidoc.css style.
    2. Fixed top-level header formatting broken in the previous release.
    3. Code blocks now use four-space tabs (instead of eight spaces).
    4. Added syntax coloring for Go, Rust, R, Lua, TypeScript, and Swift code blocks.
    5. Added support for back-to-back code blocks with no text between them.
    6. Improved robustness of schedule list detection and removed warning messages from speculative parser.
    7. Localized smart quotation marks to the same region as other keywords, following this spec.
    8. Fixed email address detection for 2-letter domains with a patch by Michael Smirnov.

  • 2017-11-25 Version 0.22: Unification
    1. Added support for long <-- and --> arrows in body text.
    2. Added support for ordered lists that begin with numbers other than 1.
    3. Markdeep now strips HTML comments that are not in code blocks at the beginning of processing.
    4. Added Japanese localization by Takashi Masuyama.
    5. Added optional CSS classes to fenced code blocks.
    6. Added multiple unioned code blocks for use in highlighting and multi-language examples.
    7. Fixed CSS to not leak outside Markdeep blocks when in html embedding mode.
    8. Added support for LaTeX when in doxygen and html embedding modes.
    9. Added admonitions (callout notes for the reader).
    10. Added apidoc.css stylesheet and corresponding template by Aras Pranckevičius.

  • 2017-10-03 Version 0.21: Robustness
    1. Upgraded to highlight.js 9.12.0, included shell session highlighting.
    2. Fixed excess whitespace due to <p> tags being generated near section headers.
    3. Capitalized 'Contents' in English.
    4. Made title and list pattern detection more robust.
    5. Improved parsing of image grids when near other individual images.
    6. Made all images hyperlink to their full-resolution versions.
    7. Improved wide character support for diagrams contributed by Torsten Grust.
    8. Changed implicit URL parsing to consider a trailing period as punctuation instead of part of the URL. Use explicit URL syntax of <http://.> to force it to be part of the URL.
    9. Added an explicit CSS class for tocNumber to support hiding them.
    10. Added support for nested blockquotes.
    11. Fixed indented lists immediately after a header.

  • 2017-06-30 Version 0.20: Customization
    1. Updated Mathjax for files included via (insert) to use cloudflare.
    2. Fixed events from other JavaScript libraries interfering with Markdeep.
    3. Updated wkhtmltopdf instructions to work around bugs in their 0.12.4 version.
    4. Avoided generating empty <a> tags to work around a longstanding wkhtmltopdfbug.
    5. Improved colors for tables in the dark template.
    6. Added Swedish localization by Nils Nilsson.
    7. Added captionAbove option for figures, listings, and tables.

  • 2017-05-27 Version 0.19: Layout
    1. Adjusted the generation of paragraph tags around lists to better support HTML post-processing.
    2. Fixed recursive (insert X here) statements triggering multiple tables of contents.
    3. Renamed showURLs to showLabels and made it display both labels and URLs.
    4. Added localization for the Contents text in the table of contents.
    5. Switched to cloudflare CDN for Mathjax.
    6. Fixed table layout in the presence of an empty first or last column cell.
    7. Added un Latex macro for units in math.
    8. Added slide template (thanks to Torsten Grust).
    9. Allowed leading space before tables with outside borders.
    10. Added support for single-column tables.
    11. Avoided page breaks after headers.
    12. Improved rendering of high-index Unicode characters in diagrams.
    13. Fixed font-weight of unnumbered H2 sections.
    14. Removed stroke borders from grayscale Unicode blocks in diagrams.
    15. Support for pagebreak, newpage, and page breaks with ++++++++.
    16. Made the dark.css style sheet print with a white background.

  • 2017-03-31 Version 0.18: Lists and links
    1. Improved detection of the end of lists followed by indented content
    2. Improved handling of multiple lists within a single schedule list day
    3. Removed console debug output that was accidentally enabled in version 0.17
    4. Defaulted to including the markdeep.min.js script with a trailing ?, to force updates under new aggressive browser caching
    5. Support for subfigures in references, e.g., Figure [dinosaur](a)
    6. Support for quoted URLs (needed for URLs containing unescaped parentheses)
    7. Allowed fenced code blocks to be indented
    8. Added support for both single and double arrows
    9. Fixed incorrect floating on diagrams that lack a right border
    10. Fixed citations at the end of figure captions

  • 2017-02-12 Version 0.17: Style
    1. Diagrams that are not floating may now omit the right-edge markers
    2. Workarounds for Wordpress compatibility
    3. Workaround for Firefox-specific bug with canvas in iframe affecting include statements
    4. Allowed listing captions to be up to four lines long
    5. Improved robustness of underscores and italics within words
    6. Added Polish translation by Dariusz Kuśnierek
    7. Added Latex and Dark style sheets.
    8. Documented paragraph numbering

  • 2016-12-20 Version 0.16: Printing support
    1. Removed hyperlinking of svn and perforce URLs (they are still typset as URLs)
    2. Improved Latex single-$ parsing
    3. Fixed lists after unnumbered sections needing too much whitespace
    4. Made horizontal rule parsing more permissive
    5. Made layout avoid page breaks in tables, listings, and images when printed
    6. Experimental `insert` support
    7. Added version number to Markdeep footer

  • 2016-10-28 Version 0.15: Proof support
    1. Changed windows code font to Consolas because Lucida Console's capital 'V' character is confusingly small.
    2. Now only only floating images have constrained caption widths
    3. Captions are always justified within the centered block
    4. Added showURLs option
    5. Added German and Hungarian localization contributed by Berczi Sándor
    6. 'Contents'/'Table of Contents' header is now localized
    7. Added console warnings for broken reference links
    8. Added console warnings for unused reference links
    9. Added console warnings for unreferenced figures, tables, etc.
    10. Added console warnings for broken links to figures, tables, etc.

  • 2016-09-10 Version 0.14: Robustness
    1. Switched double minus signs to parse as em dash instead of en dash, since they visually resemble em dash in the text.
    2. Corrected parsing of lists with spaces between the elements.
    3. Grids of images are recognized and preserved.
    4. Made table of contents work for documents with incorrect header nesting
    5. Fixed an obscure browser-lockup bug resulting from parsing protected substrings as numbers for later markdown
    6. Fixed protect accidentally generating sequences that look like dimensions.
    7. Fixed links and images within footnotes and bibliography entries.`
    8. Increased character count for 'short' definition lists to 160 characters.

  • 2016-08-01 Version 0.13: Book support
    1. Added support for youtu.be URL shortened videos
    2. Documented lang advanced option
    3. Exposed tocStyle advanced option
    4. Added support for multiple entries per date in schedule lists
    5. Added support for auto-hiding weekends in schedule lists
    6. Switched all date computations to UTC to avoid daylight time problems
    7. Added parenthesized entries for schedule lists
    8. Added support for arbitrary attributes on regular links
    9. Terse formatting for definition lists with short definitions
    10. Fixed fancy quotes in non-unicode documents
    11. Reduced file size slightly
    12. Improved syntax auto-highlighting in code blocks

  • 2016-06-28 Version 0.12: Localization
    1. Prevented double underscores in variable names inside of diagrams, e.g., __FILE__, from being parsed as lines
    2. Prevented decoration characters from being stripped from diagrams when on false-diagonal lines composed entirely of decorations
    3. Matched fixed-width fonts between diagrams and code blocks, and code block font sizes across platforms
    4. Added localization support via markdeepOptions.lang and <meta .>
    5. Increased robustness of section links
    6. Added unnumbered sections using (#)

  • 2016-05-14 Version 0.11: Integration
    1. Added ?export option to extract raw HTML
    2. Switched to font-rendering: antialiased; for lighter fonts
    3. Added support for numeric exponents outside of math mode
    4. Made spaces in figure/listing/table references unbreakable
    5. Fixed processing of max-width and width on images
    6. Added default max-width of 100% on images (can be overriden per image)
    7. Extended minus-sign beautification to negative numbers immediately following an open parenthesis
    8. Tweaked code syntax highlighting
    9. Updated to use highlight.js 0.9.3
    10. Fixed smart quotes after numbers
    11. Made fancy quotes fully CSS-stylable
    12. Made diagrams CSS-stylable
    13. Protected style tags
    14. Protected table of contents link names
    15. Fixed long table of contents link to first section
    16. Added gravizo support
    17. Added figure captions

  • 2016-03-22 Version 0.10: Calendars and Images
    1. Fixed alignment in table cells
    2. Added support for links with no text
    3. Added starter.md.html to web page
    4. Switched default raw URL font to Georgia for more weight and better slashes
    5. Table of contents now becomes its own section if it is longer than the abstract
    6. Added support for Latex equation, eqnarray, and equation* environments
    7. Fixed current-day highlighting on calendars
    8. Fixed multiple single-$ Latex expressions on a single line
    9. Allowed definition list terms to begin with non-word characters
    10. Added support for daylight saving time independent of country
    11. Improved robustness of parsing links within image captions
    12. Added support for floating, captioned images
    13. Fixed centering of multiple images in separate blocks
    14. Allowed definition lists to have a single space between the colon and definition

  • 2016-02-02 Version 0.09: References and Internal Links
    1. Added support for schedule lists
    2. 10x performance increase over version 0.08
    3. Added IE11 support
    4. Added support for calendars
    5. Added support for HTML attributes on images
    6. Added support for video
    7. Added CSS classes for different list bullets
    8. Added support for Youtube and Vimeo video
    9. Fixed multiple centered images in a group
    10. Fixed multiple colons in schedule event titles
    11. Added fancy quotes
    12. Highlighted current day on calendars

  • 2016-01-18 Version 0.08: References and Internal Links
    1. Prevented HTML tags in the title from appearing in the browser tab
    2. Fixed single-character bold and italic text hanging across lines
    3. Fixed indented bold and italic text crossing lines
    4. Added reference-style links
    5. Added footnotes/endnotes
    6. Added citations
    7. Allowed code blocks within other formatting
    8. Code blocks can now contain diagram syntax without it becoming a diagram
    9. Optimized performance of documents with many blocks
    10. Updated Markdeep line hides the document until formatting succeeds or loading markdeep.js times out
    11. Added smart quotes for double quotation marks
    12. Fixed strict mode for Firefox
    13. Protected raw <code> blocks from processing
    14. Added automatic section links
    15. Added table and listing captions
    16. Added figure, table, and listing numbering and references
    17. Fixed single-letter italic words in lists
    18. Allowed lists to omit the leading blank line if the previous line ends in a colon or comma
    19. Allowed inline code to wrap around a line
    20. Stylized ~~~~ code blocks appropriately for listings, while leaving ```` blocks unadorned
    21. Fixed URLs with underscores and tildes
    22. Added robust processing of lists with inconsistent indenting
    23. Added support for lists within definition lists
    24. Fixed definition lists with multiple :-indented lines
    25. Added support for multiple paragraphs in definition lists
    26. Added support for multiple paragraphs in regular lists

  • 2015-12-31 Version 0.07: Polish
    1. Fixed white dot decorations next to lines in diagrams
    2. Fixed floating images (broken in 0.06)
    3. Fixed diagonal up-left arrows not reaching boxes
    4. Added support for captionless images
    5. Added captions below images
    6. Added support for centered images
    7. Fixed processing of tables with short delimiters
    8. Fixed diagonals appearing inside curves with vertices in diagrams
    9. Allowed points vertically and horizontally adjacent to lines and points in diagrams
    10. Improved unicode line and box character appearance in diagrams
    11. Allowed leading space and shorter lines for Setext-style headers
    12. Added Unicode block character support for diagrams
    13. Enlarged Unicode hexagons to form tighter grids
    14. Text is now selectable in diagrams
    15. Added tiny grid examples to features.md.html
    16. Added dot grid examples to features.md.html
    17. Added Unicode examples to features.md.html
    18. Added beautification of a number followed by 'degrees'
    19. Single linebreaks now allowed in italics, bold, and strikethrough
    20. Hid the document until formatting is complete, once it is known that the script is available
    21. Increased spacing between section numbers and titles

  • 2015-11-30 Version 0.06: Bug Fixes
    1. Improved arrowheads at points
    2. Improved arrowheads at boxes
    3. Improved processing of words with 'o' in boxes
    4. script tag workaround for C++ template/Java generic syntax in code examples with capitalized classes
    5. Fixed blocks beginning at the top of the document
    6. Allow LaTeX expressions at the end of a sentence
    7. Relaxed whitespace rules for LaTeX expressions
    8. Fixed URLs in subtitles
    9. Centered diagrams by default
    10. Switched to https by default for Markdeep and Mathjax

  • 2015-11-10 Version 0.05: Beta
    1. Added named anchors to all sections
    2. Fixed $$ in code blocks
    3. Fixed header on the first line of a document
    4. Added table of contents generation
    5. Adjusted link styling
    6. Added markdeepOptions.detectMath
    7. Fixed > arrows in html mode
    8. Released implementation source code

  • 2015-11-03 Version 0.04: Optimization
    1. Reduced minified script size to 56k (v0.03 was 88k)
    2. Added notes about Unicode source
    3. En dash (--), em dash (---), and minus sign
    4. Transform x into × in cases such as '1920×1080'
    5. Fixed e-mail addresses in subtitles
    6. Fixed arrows in the middle of lines not appearing
    7. Removed borders around diagrams in the default stylesheet
    8. Made tables centered in the default stylesheet
    9. Added support for left floating diagrams

  • 2015-10-21 Version 0.03: Embedding Support
    1. Added public Javascript API
    2. Added support for embedding isolated Markdeep diagrams and content tags in HTML
    3. Wrapped Markdeep styles in a md class
    4. Moved Markdeep stylesheet to the top of <head> to make it easier to override
    5. Improved handling of underscore lines and parentheses in diagrams
    6. Added support for short verticals in diagrams, e.g., _.- -._
    7. Added support for hyperlinking of URLs containing ? and &
    8. Added CSS class support for <em> and <strong> tags to allow reinterpretation of *em* vs. _em_ syntax.
    9. Fixed single quotes and dollar signs in fenced code blocks
    10. Adjusted default style sheet spacing for long and short documents

  • 2015-10-18 Version 0.02: Conformance
    1. Reduced minified script size by 1k
    2. Fixed subheading numbering
    3. Fixed diagram decorated points at T junctions
    4. Added support for * and + as list bullets
    5. Explicitly protected script and style blocks (CommonMark conformance)
    6. No longer allow spaces between flanking bold and italic delimiter runs and enclosed words (CommonMark conformance)
    7. Switched to <em> and <strong> tags from explicit italic and bold ones
    8. Added support for ATX ## headers ## up to h6 (CommonMark conformance)
    9. Allowed lists to begin immediately after headers
    10. Remapped arrows in text from > and <
    11. Fixed a lock-up bug in highlight.js by upgrading to the latest version.increasing size by 2k (now 85k)
    12. Added support for acute __ corners in diagrams

  • 2015-10-15 Version 0.01: Initial release

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